Stresses in a circular formed flat plate

according to S.Schwaigerers ''Festigkeitsberechnung im Dampfkessel–, Behälter– und Rohrleitungsbau''


This calculation is only a simplified estimation, and does not replace a detailed design calculation.


Properties of the plate:
 Name   Value   Unit 
Radius of the plate r1 mm
Thickness of the plate h mm
Fabrication tolerance top side c1o mm
Fabrication tolerance bottom side c1u mm
Diameter of the holes dL mm
Hole pitch t mm
Boundary conditions  

Name Load case 1 Load case 2 Load case 3 Load case 4 Load case 5 Load case 6  Unit 
Load case name  
Wear supplement top side c2o mm
Wear supplement bottom side c2u mm
Surface pressure px bar
Inner radius of the pressure hoop r0 p inside mm
Outer radius of the pressure hoop r0 p outside mm
Ring force F kN
Radius of the force ring r0 F mm
Temperature T °C

Variants of superposition:
Load cases  Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 3 Variant 4 Variant 5 Variant 6

Variant name
Temperature Tmax
Allowable stresses, N/mm²