Stresses in long multilayer hollow cylinders

under consideration of pressure, convection and heat radiation


General data and border conditions:
 Name   Value   Unit 
Inner radius mm
Inside Convection temperature °C
Heat transfer coefficient W/m²/K
Fouling factor m²K/kW
Heat flux kW/m²
Radiation temperature °C
Radiation coefficient1)  
Pressure bar
Outside Convection temperature °C
Heat transfer coefficient W/m²/K
Fouling factor m²K/kW
Heat flux kW/m²
Radiation temperature °C
Radiation coefficient1)  
Pressure bar
End of cylinder  
Additional axial force kN

1) the coefficient C12 of the Stefan-Boltzman equation: q = C12 · σ · (T14T24)

Layers properties:
Name Layer 1
Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4  Unit 
Layer name  
Layer thickness mm
Layer material  
Norm title for λ  
Heat conductivity λ W/m/K
Norm title for E  
Moduli of elasticity E MPa
Norm title for α  
Thermal expansion α 1/K
Norm title for μ  
Poisson´s ratio μ